Are you worried about grey hair at a very young age? Then here is a simple and natural remedy to hide it as well as cure it. People start getting grey hair when they cross 30 or 35 years of age. But due to environment pollution and lifestyle changes, children are also affected by grey hair. A mother worries when she sees grey hair in the scalp of her child. Actually grey hair in chidren is due to pitta in the body. Also it signifies the deficiency of vitamin B in the body. Reducing body heat by having black jaggery coffee/ karupatti coffee and taking more ginger and lemon reduces pitta thereby reducing body heat. Vitamin B can be increased by eating curd rice and curd related dishes. But it is necessary to hide the grey hair until you get the result as it may reduce the confidence level of the child. Here in this post, I have shown a natural hair colour that not only hides ...
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