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Detoxifying drink/BeetRoot carrot juice


Is your body toxic?
  if yes, then it’s time for you  to take this detoxifying juice which will refresh your liver. Liver is one of the detoxifying organs installed by the nature in our body. But we often overload it beyond its capacity by our unhealthy life style changes. This beet carrot drink supports your liver in flushing out the toxins there by refreshing your body.
Beetroot: 1
Carrot: 1
Ginger: a small piece
1. Peel the skin from beet, carrot and ginger
2. Grate the above three ingredients using a grater and grind it in a mixer jar
3.  Pour the juice in a cup or juice jar through a strainer and strain the pulp
4.  Now the juice is ready
  • Take this drink regularly for one week in empty stomach early morning
  • After taking continuously for one week, take it once or twice in a week to keep your body refreshed
  • It gives good stamina
  • Beta carotene in carrot gives slight yellowish or orange tint to your skin
  • Rich in folate, it can be consumed during pregnancy also
 Be Healthy, Happy, and Long-lived😊😊😊


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Hello All, In this blog I'll be sharing all my ideas and knowledge to lead a healthy and happy life. I'm passionate towards Yoga and Ayurveda.I love writing. Through this blog I fulfill my love for writing as well as share my knowledge about simple and healthy cooking and easy way of living to take life easier. I want everybody to be healthy, happy and long lived by being health conscious and follow a healthy lifestyle... Be Healthy, Happy and Long Lived