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Just 3 lifestyle changes to ease painful menstruation

 There are many reasons for painful menstruation. One such reason is endometriosis. Many of them might not  be aware of this abnormality. Endometriosis causes an extremly painful period cramps. It may be so painful that it becomes necessary to take pain medications to ease the pain.

It may affect their day to day life. People with endometriosis may have menstrual pain for 5 to 7 days ie throught their periods they may have the pain. It feels like a cursed life.

There is no medication for endometriosis in Allopathy, Homeopathy, Siddha or anything else. Surgical procedure is the only way to get rid of this pain and that too is temporary as it bounces back in few years.

But there is a way to control the pain and ease your periods. It is a  very simple lifestyle change method. Sometimes many big problems have simple solutions. The problems may melt like ice kept in the sun. This is one such simple solution to get rid of this hell.

First we'll see what not to eat.

Don't eat:

Bakery products like cake, puffs, Bread, Bun etc. These food items create inflammations in the body tissies which causes severe pain during menstruation.

Food to eat:

Cashew nut:

Inflammation is the main reason for severe pain during menstruation. Endometriosis causes severe inflammations in the reproductive tissues. But these inflammations can be reduced by eating cashew nuts which are rich in magnesium, manganese and zinc. These minerals play a vital role in reducing the inflammation in the tissues.

Atleast 4 to 5 nuts must be taken every day. Nuts like Almond, pistachio, Walnuts can also be taken in equal amount. But cashew nut is must as it is rich in vital minerals necessary for reducing inflammation.

Moringa leaf soup/ Drumstick leaf soup:

Drumstick leaves are rich in Iron, calcium, pottasium, magnesium, vitamin A, B and C. It prevents the cell damage and protects the body from free radicals. Moringa soup consist of hydrating and detoxyfying elements. Moringa soup has anti-inflammatory property which protects the body from inflammation. It also increases haemoglobin level in blood. It contains high level of anti-oxidants. It not only reduces pain but also helps in hair growth.
Check out my video How to make moringa leaves soup


Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that keeps our body and soul healthy. There are more number of yogasanas and breathing techniques that aids in healthy lifestyle. One such practice is surya namaskar.

           Surya namaskar/ Sun salute is a practice that has 12 steps of asanas with specific breathing techniques. Doing surya namaskar everyday early morning in empty stomach helps in easing the periods pain. Atleast 10 sun salutes must be done everyday to get better results. But suryanamaskar must not be practised during menstruation.

                      Surya namaskar not only eases menstrual pain, it also keeps our body weight under control.

These three simple steps will give 100% relief from endometriosis pain.

Follow this procedure for 3 months and please share the result. Also share the link so that it may be helpful to somebody in pain.

Hope you like it.

Be Healthy, Happy and Long-lived☺☺☺


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Hello All, In this blog I'll be sharing all my ideas and knowledge to lead a healthy and happy life. I'm passionate towards Yoga and Ayurveda.I love writing. Through this blog I fulfill my love for writing as well as share my knowledge about simple and healthy cooking and easy way of living to take life easier. I want everybody to be healthy, happy and long lived by being health conscious and follow a healthy lifestyle... Be Healthy, Happy and Long Lived