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Stubborn Acne: Lifestyle changes and home remedies

Everybody wants to be beautiful. Especially teenagers and youngsters are very much concerned about their look, their skin texture, weight etc. But when they reach their puberty stage, there comes the main villain ACNE spoiling their entire beautiful and glowing face. It affects both male and female children. This acne causes stress in them which may also affect other activities in their day to day life. It makes them loose their self-confidence; they hesitate to expose themselves in the public when this acne is severe. It may also make the face look weird. If it is left untreated, it may leave inherent scars which continue throughout our life.

What causes Acne?

Acne is a result of hormonal changes that take place in the body during puberty stage. Not all the people are prone to Acne. It is the function of liver to breakdown all the chemical waste produced by hormones. If these wastes are not flushed out of the body periodically, toxins in the body increase. Acne is also a symptom of increased toxin level in the body.
        Special care should be given in those days to maintain healthy skin as well as overall health.
The remedy which I have recommended here gives you 100% result in one month, how stubborn the acne may be.
Hormonal fluctuations in the body activate the sebum production of the sebaceous glands located beneath the skin. This sebum is an oily fluid that gives glowing texture to the skin. This sebum reaches the skin surface through the follicular duct which opens on the surface of the skin. When the sebum production is excess, it cannot flow through the duct and get clogged beneath the skin. This leads to pimple or cystic acne. The result is what we all see in face.    Even though we apply anything on the face, the problem must be cleared from the deep root.

How to get rid of this stubborn acne?

Physical Activity:

        Put all your electronic devices at bay and must have a sound sleep at night. In order to balance the hormones and flush out the toxins from the body, increase your physical activity. Do surya namaskar, Yoga asanas and breathing exercises (pranayama) early morning. It supports your digestive system and excretory system to flush out the toxins. Keep your digestive and excretory tack constipation free.

Juice remedy: 
 Along with physical activity, drink concentrated lemon juice early morning in empty stomach. If you have ulcer problem do not drink this syrup. Take this concentrated lemon juice continuously for one month and you will be surprised to see your clear skin.

        Squeeze a lemon and add very little water so that the total extract is only quarter cup. Drink this syrup in empty stomach . It will pacify your sebaceous glands and reduce the sebum production.


After one month of taking this syrup continuously, have it for once in 3 days. Then slowly extend to once a week. In this way you can control your oil glands naturally there by controlling your acne.

Facial Application:

Many remedies are available for external application. But it doesn’t give result for everybody. The only one remedy which I found 100% perfect is Neem leaves and fresh raw turmeric combo. Another one secret ingredient that must be added to this combo is chrysanthemum flower (yellow colour sevanthi).

How to make the paste?

Take 10 fresh Neem leaves and a small piece of raw turmeric. To this add the petals of chrysanthemum flower.
 Crush this combo in grinding stone or by any other means. Just crush it well and apply the juice along with the coarse paste allover the face.
Apply this paste after taking bath so that you would not wash it off while bathing.  Leave it on the face for half an hour and wash it off. Do this for 21 days continuously. Your skin texture will change. You’ll love yourself. It gives you such a beautiful acne free skin

 If you find this remedy difficult, then here is another simple and effective remedy.

Take some besan flour and raw milk. Mix it and make a paste. Don’t use boiled milk(It may increase your acne). Apply this paste all over the face before going to bath. After it dries up in 30 minutes, take a bath. Do this continuously until the acne disappears. Trust me, this remedy also gives you 100% result. It may sound simple but it’s very effective.
But anything should be practiced regularly to harvest the result.
So All the best dears. Make use of these wonderful simple remedies and get a healthy glowing skin. Try this and leave the comments below

Be Health, Happy and Long lived😊😊😊


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Hello All, In this blog I'll be sharing all my ideas and knowledge to lead a healthy and happy life. I'm passionate towards Yoga and Ayurveda.I love writing. Through this blog I fulfill my love for writing as well as share my knowledge about simple and healthy cooking and easy way of living to take life easier. I want everybody to be healthy, happy and long lived by being health conscious and follow a healthy lifestyle... Be Healthy, Happy and Long Lived