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The pomegranate/women's Elixir

The healing power of nature has always provided the balm to restore health and wellness. Pomegranate is a gift from nature’s pharmacy to do wonders in our life. Nature has created within the pomegranate a unique stock of benefits. Pomegranate is a traditional symbol of fertility and rebirth. It has been considered as the sacred fruit in many religions all over the world.

Modern science has found that pomegranate has many beneficial substances including polyphenols, phytoestrogens, ellagitannis, and anthocyanins. These substances have strong impact on breast health hormonal balance, skin rejuvenation and heart health. The red colour of pomegranate is due to the chemical polyphenol. It is a powerful antioxidant which reduces inflammations in the body which are the reason for many chronic diseases in human body.

It is astringent in taste. When pomegranate juice is taken during menstrual cycle it controls excessive bleeding which occurs due to estrogen dominance. It is rich in vitamin C,E and K. In addition it is also a good source of folate and potassium. Hence it improves fertility in both men and women.

Healthy and glowing skin:

Pomegranate is rich in punicic acid which does wonders to our skin.
·         Adding pomegranate to our daily diet chart reduces dark circles around the eyes naturally.
·         It lightens the skin and scars and soothes the sun damaged skin
·         It slows down the ageing process and strengthens and supports the immune system
·         It helps the body to naturally restore the moisture and health

Women’s Elixir:

According to “The Doctrine of signature” pomegranate with its arils (seeds) are similar to the milk glands within the breast. It is also correlated with the structure of ovaries with follicles and shape of heart.
  •  Pomegranate has both estrogenic as well as anti-estrogenic property. Hence it is a nature’s gift to women for natural healing in estrogen dominance and estrogen deficient women. 
  • Estrogen dominace occurs during menopause and perimenopause stage due to reduction in progestron level which leads to erratic periods. Taking this juice as a medicine during menopause would control heavy and prolonged bleeding. Not only during periods but also as a daily drink to balance the estrogen and progestron level.
  •  Its anti-inflammatory property protects us from all chronic diseases such endometriosis, fibroids, Pre Menstrual syndromes etc.

Hence pomegranate deserves the symbol of fertility, beauty and healing. So include this fruit in your fruit basket and the juice in your self care programs

Also View: Orange juice,Grape juice

Be Healthy, Happy and Long-lived😊😊 



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Hello All, In this blog I'll be sharing all my ideas and knowledge to lead a healthy and happy life. I'm passionate towards Yoga and Ayurveda.I love writing. Through this blog I fulfill my love for writing as well as share my knowledge about simple and healthy cooking and easy way of living to take life easier. I want everybody to be healthy, happy and long lived by being health conscious and follow a healthy lifestyle... Be Healthy, Happy and Long Lived