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Why should you drink orange juice?/6 important benefits of Orange juice

1. Rich in vitamin C:
     Orange juice is rich in vitamin C and helps in boosting the immunity of the body. Also vitamin c is essential for the body to absorb iron from the food consumed
2. Reduces inflammation:
     Inflammations are responsible for the development of chronic diseases in all systems in the body. It’s because of these inflammations in the reproductive system, ladies suffer from menstrual pain. Regular intake of orange juice will reduce the inflammation and thereby you get relief from this aggressive pain
3. Boost digestion:
     A cup of orange juice 1/2 hour after meal will boost your digestion
4.  Appetizer:
    Loss of appetite is because of the slow metabolism and slow digestion which          is due to aging process and hormonal shift.
      Drinking one cup of orange juice one hour before meal increases your body metabolism there by inducing hunger
4. Get relief from constipation:
     Constipation is the major day to day problem that many us are going through. Instead of taking medical drugs, consume this orange juice along with its fibre( don't filter or strain the pulp using filter) to improve your bowel movement in children as well as all age groups
5. Removes blockages in arteries and veins:
    It cleans your blood vessels without any residues and removes all blocks in every part of your body. Hence it’s very beneficial for heart patients for removing the blockages in arteries and veins. For better results, drink this juice along with some ginger extract.
6. Activates swathistan chakra:
     Orange colour of this juice denotes that this juice is beneficial for all organs related to swathistan chakra like ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, urinary bladder, urethra, male reproductive system etc. Regular intake will remove the blockages in fallopian tubes. To no more about swathistan chakra, click here

Atlast drink it with hope and happiness and this feeling will impact every cells in your body.

  Be Healthy, Happy, and Long-lived😊😊😊  


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Hello All, In this blog I'll be sharing all my ideas and knowledge to lead a healthy and happy life. I'm passionate towards Yoga and Ayurveda.I love writing. Through this blog I fulfill my love for writing as well as share my knowledge about simple and healthy cooking and easy way of living to take life easier. I want everybody to be healthy, happy and long lived by being health conscious and follow a healthy lifestyle... Be Healthy, Happy and Long Lived