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Benefits Of OM mantra

I started practicing yoga from December 3, 2017. The first thing I was taught in the yoga class was 2 minutes meditation and then chanting om mantra. My yoga teacher also explained the benefits of OM and the effects it produce in our body.

I also gathered more knowledge regarding OM mantra by surfing through the internet. Later I realized and noticed changes it brought in me. My friends also identified the changes in me.
Here, I have come to share with you, the benefits of OM mantra and how to practice OM mantra.
What is OM?
Om is the basic sound of the universe. By chanting OM, we are physically tuning into the sound and vibration of the universe. It is chanted at the beginning and end of yoga session. By doing so, it helps us to connect us to our yoga practice in a deeper way.
        Not only during yoga session, it can be chanted any time. But early morning in empty stomach, chanting OM gives faster result and more beneficial. It calms the mind. Our body and mind gets relaxed.
How to pronounce OM?
·        OM, when pronounced correctly, it is actually A-U-M.
·        While pronouncing ‘A’, it is pronounced as ‘awe’. At this time, the chest, solar plexus (upper stomach) and abdomen is vibrated.
·        While pronouncing ‘U’, it is pronounced as ‘Ooo’. The throat is vibrated.
·        When pronouncing ‘M’, the whole face and head are vibrated.
How to practice OM mantra?
·        Select a clean and airy place and sit on the yoga mat.
·        Sit in padmasan position. Padmasan is also called lotus pose.
Keep your fingers in gyan mudra.

·        Keep your fingers in gyan mudra and place it on the lap by sitting in padmasan position.

·        Breathe normally and relax first. Pray to the lord the almighty.
·        Then take a deep inhalation
·        Say ‘A-U-M’ while exhaling gradually.
·        Say OM until the whole inhaled air is exhaled.
·        When full air is exhaled, again take deep inhalation.
·        Say OM. While saying OM, the air is exhaled.
·        Repeat OM mantra for 5 minutes.
Initially start saying OM 3 times a day. Then gradually increase the number of times. Practise regularly for a prolonged period. You can feel the difference gradually.
Benefits of chanting OM:
OM mantra has several therapeutic benefits.
Controls our breathing system: Chanting OM helps to control and relax our breathing system and has several soothing effects in our mind.
Balances hormones: Researches have shown that vibration produced by chanting OM also affects the endocrine system in a positive way. It relaxes our entire body and regulates our hormone system.
Vibration: While chanting OM, the abdomen, thorax and skull is vibrated.
Detoxifies the body: OM chanting reduces anxiety. It also acts as a detoxifying agent for entire body. If we are living in a polluted environment, we can purify our entire body by chanting OM just like bathing.
Strengthens the digestive system: While chanting OM, the solar plexus gets vibrated. Thus it keeps our digestive system strong.
Gives glowing face: The ‘M’ sound in OM vibrates our face and head and keeps our skin young and beautiful. It brings lustre in the face and eyes. Also it gives good voice.
What changes it brought in me?
After I started practicing OM regularly, it developed my interpersonal relationship. I was able to develop rapport with people much better. My gut feeling increased. I felt more confident to face the world.
Hope you like it.😍😍😍
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Be Healthy, Happy and Long-lived😊😊😊


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Hello All, In this blog I'll be sharing all my ideas and knowledge to lead a healthy and happy life. I'm passionate towards Yoga and Ayurveda.I love writing. Through this blog I fulfill my love for writing as well as share my knowledge about simple and healthy cooking and easy way of living to take life easier. I want everybody to be healthy, happy and long lived by being health conscious and follow a healthy lifestyle... Be Healthy, Happy and Long Lived