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Simple 5 healthy habits to be followed/Easy way of being healthy

We have heard experts saying that making small and healthy changes in everyday life will bring great changes in our health and quality of our life.
        Lot of us believes that we have to change everything. But setting small goals and making small changes is the secret of achieving big goals in our life. We become healthier both physically and mentally.
Here I have suggested 5 healthy habits to be followed that help you to lead a healthy and happy life.
·        Have a good night sleep
·        Drink jeera water early morning
·        Exercise Regularly
·        Eat healthy
·        Relax in the evening

Have a good night sleep.
Getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep keeps us energetic and active on the next day. Going to bed late at night and not having enough sleeping brings hormonal fluctuations in body. Lot of free radicals will be released in the body. Our immunity power reduces. It increases dark circles around the eyes and also causes hair loss.
 A good night sleep increases our physical health and mental health and increases our life span. It helps you in decision making. It provides clarity in thinking. Overall it provides good mental health. Sleeping is also a kind of meditation. It helps you to forget your past and plan for the future.
Drink jeera/cumin seed water early morning
Cumin seeds have ‘n’ number of medicinal benefits. Soak a spoon full of cumin seeds in a cup of water overnight. The water gets infused with the taste and aroma of cumin seeds. The next day, as soon as you get up, brush your teeth and drink this jeera water in empty stomach.
        It has numerous health benefits. It flushes out toxins from the body. It boosts our metabolism and aids digestion. It keeps us hydrated throughout the day. It keeps our blood glucose level under control and disease free.
Exercise regularly
We all are aware of the proverb A sound mind in a Sound Body. We must always keep this in mind. Being lazy not only makes our body sluggish but also our mind. Our mind becomes blunt like a blunt pencil. Like a pencil which has to be sharpened frequently, our mind should also be refreshed and sharpened. For this, we must increase our physical activity.
        Exercise keeps us fit and healthy. It increases our body metabolism and keeps us active throughout the day. Doing surya namaskar helps us to harvest the energy of the sun. Other asanas increases the flexibility of our body and activates all organs in the body
        Walking is a simple but excellent way to keep us healthy and happy. It is good for heart health, mind health and protects us from ‘n’ number of diseases. Everybody must at least go for a 30minutes walk every day to be healthy and happy because exercise also drains our emotional stress.    
Eat healthy
Don’t eat too much and don’t eat too little. Eating too much increase our weight and eating too little makes us lean. Also we must eat consciously. We should concentrate on the food while we eat. Our body signals us when to eat and how much to eat. We must include variety of colourful fruits and vegetables in our diet. Colour fruits and vegetables have plenty of anti-oxidants in it. These anti-oxidants protect us from various diseases. Also we must chew the food before swallowing. Chewing grinds the food and also mixes the saliva with food so that the digestive system finds it easier to break down the food and absorb maximum amount of nutrients in it.
Relax in the evening.
After returning from work we must relax ourselves by changing the track of our mind. We can have a look on the greeneries, listen to music, or play with children, chat with friends etc. we can have a cup of tea to activate our mind and body. This relaxing time will reduce our work stress; helps us to come out of our work mood.
        Also let our night food be light and warm. Having a cup of warm milk with turmeric and crushed pepper powder gives good night sleep. It also cleans our respiratory track by pulling down the mucus in it.

 Prevention is better than cure. These 5 habits may sound simple, but it has great impact on our life. By following these habits regularly, it becomes our natural habit and helps us to live healthier and happier.
Be Healthy, Happy and Long-lived😊😊😊


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Hello All, In this blog I'll be sharing all my ideas and knowledge to lead a healthy and happy life. I'm passionate towards Yoga and Ayurveda.I love writing. Through this blog I fulfill my love for writing as well as share my knowledge about simple and healthy cooking and easy way of living to take life easier. I want everybody to be healthy, happy and long lived by being health conscious and follow a healthy lifestyle... Be Healthy, Happy and Long Lived