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Healing powers of Papaya

Papaya is a tropical fruit available at most times of the year. This yellowish orange Papaya is rich in fibre, vitamin C, and antioxidants. The yellow colour of papaya is due to the presence of carotenoid which is a very beneficial anti-oxidant. It consists of number of health benefits.

Benefits of Papaya:
Relieves chronic constipation:
Papaya is rich in fibre which is water insoluble. So it supports regular bowel movement and cures prolonged constipation. Also chronic constipation leads to blood in stools which is scary. Eating this yellowish fruit early morning for one week relieves from this symptom. Results have also shown that consuming it 3 to 4 times for a single day gives immediate result.
Immunity booster:
To protect ourselves from contagious diseases our body needs strong immunity system. A week immune system is an easy pathway for disease causing micro organisms. papaya is rich in vitamin C which is an immunity booster and protect us from all contagious diseases. Also vitamin C helps in the easy absorption of iron.
Improves digestive health.
Hectic lifestyles, improper diets, eating junk foods, restaurant foods made up of too much of oil is very bad for our digestive system. This prolonged habit leads to chronic inflammations in the digestive system. Chronic inflammations are the root cause of many diseases. To compensate for this mistake papaya can be taken once or twice in a week to soothe our digestive track. Papaya consists of an enzyme called papain which supports our digestive enzymes thus improving the digestive health.
Relieve menstrual pain:

The enzyme papain in papaya eases the flow of menstrual period which in turn eases menstrual pain. Papaya can be eaten raw when it is fully ripe however unripe fruit contains latex which when eaten raw induces contraction in uterus. So it must avoided during pregnancy

Skin benefits:
Vitamin C in papaya helps to keep the skin toned and youthful. Carotenoids is a beneficial antioxidant which can be easily absorbed    by the body. This carotenoid improves the eyesight. Applying the paste of the ripe fruit controls excess oil in skin and also lightens the skin.

Hence it’s time to add this healthy fruit with medicinal value to your fruit basket
Also see: sweet potato,
Be healthy, Happy and Long- lived😊😊😊


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Hello All, In this blog I'll be sharing all my ideas and knowledge to lead a healthy and happy life. I'm passionate towards Yoga and Ayurveda.I love writing. Through this blog I fulfill my love for writing as well as share my knowledge about simple and healthy cooking and easy way of living to take life easier. I want everybody to be healthy, happy and long lived by being health conscious and follow a healthy lifestyle... Be Healthy, Happy and Long Lived